My journey started as a little chubby girl who loved food. Food was my escape from my reality. Sounds odd right? What reality does a 10 year old really have. Anyways, I used to eat out of boredom. When I was in 6th grade I didn't like the person that was staring back at me in the mirror. I used to think if I was skinny then I would finally love my body. Little did I know that self love is so much more than just how you look. We all have an ideal body we'd like to reach. However, the truth is we never reach that "ideal" body because we just continue to change our standards throughout time.
I used to think that I had to earn my meals.
There is no such thing as earning your meals. Food is a part of our lives and it helps us survive. We have to enjoy food and savor every bite. Food connects us to family, friends, and significant others by bringing us together. We should not skip out on an Olive Garden date night because we are afraid to eat. The moment you realize that food is here to stay and it is not your enemy your whole life will change.
You are beautiful! You are enough! You are perfect! I use to think that if I was skinny I would feel beautiful. Well I did lose weight and then I thought my glutes were flat. If I continued this cycle, I would never have realized that my looks do not define how beautiful I am. Beauty comes In many shapes, forms, and colors, genders. Do not let the magazines tell you otherwise.
My mind goes blank while I am at the gym. In that moment it is just me and my music.
Have you ever felt inner peace? The type of peace that you makes you feel like you are on a cloud? That is how I feel at the gym. I feel my veins, my blood, my brain, and every nerve in my body getting strong. Granted, I know blood and veins don't get stronger but don't kill my vibe. That is how I really feel at the gym. Being In the military, an entrepreneur, and running over 3 business can take a lot of peace away from your soul. The gym helps me stay grounded.
Overall, my fitness journey has helped me become a stronger woman. My personal goal is to empower other women to do the same in their fitness journey. You will not only be toning your body but your mind into changing the way you think about yourself.