updated 2020


1. When will I receive the book?
When you purchase the book, you will receive an email with your downloadable book where you can save it to your phone immediately.

2. Can I buy your guide internationally?
At this time the guides are only available for purchase in the U.S, but will make sure to keep you updated when the guides are available internationally. Follow me on social media to be notified of future updates.

3. What methods of payment are accepted?
Payments can be made through PayPal, Stripe, and Credit/Debit cards.

4. Do these guides include a meal prep plan?
The guides discuss healthy lifestyle choices and contain my personalized formula to calculate your own macros and daily calories for the day according to your body type. You can always book a call with me to get you started on a custom plan where I calculate your dietary needs for you.

5. How do I start the custom plan?
You need to schedule an appointment with me and I will start your custom plan.